2022, Number 2
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CorSalud 2022; 14 (2)
Dynamics of cardiac autonomic regulation during isometric weight-bearing test in hypertensive patients
Sánchez-Hechavarría ME, Ortiz-Alcolea L, Torres-Leyva M, Carrazana-Escalona R, López-Galán E, Albarrán-Torres FA, Muñoz-Bustos GA, Saa-Muñoz NA, Cutiño-Clavel I
Language: Spanish
References: 46
Page: 135-145
PDF size: 587.13 Kb.
Introduction: The sustained weight test (SWT) is an isometric exercise explora-tion that has great practical value when performing extensive studies on high blood pressure; however, the dynamics of cardiac autonomic regulation during this test are not well known.
Objective: To determine variations in the dynamics of cardiac autonomic regula-tion and in hemodynamic response during SWT in hypertensive patients.
Method: A quasi-experimental study was performed on 15 hypertensive patients of both genders, compared with 30 normotensive individuals; measuring blood pressure, sample entropy and heart rate variability (HRV) in time-frequency with the Continuous Wavelet Transform Morlet-type (CWT-Morlet) through the electro-cardiographic signal of the AD Instruments polygraph in the functional states of rest and during the SWT.
Results: A significant increase in heart rate and blood pressure was found, as well as a decrease in spectral entropy in the functional states of normotensive and hypertensive patients. In hypertensive patients, there was an increased early re-sponse pattern with multiple fluctuations during the SWT in time-frequency analy-sis of HRV with the CWT-Morlet.
Conclusions: The SWT produces an increase in blood pressure, which is more frequent and evident in patients with high blood pressure. Cardiac autonomic regulation during SWT increases the sympathetic component and decreases the parasympathetic one, which manifests –in hypertensive patients– with a pattern of imbalance in the regulation of sympathetic and parasympathetic responses.
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