2024, Number 4
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Aten Fam 2024; 31 (4)
Reasons for Early Withdrawal of Etonogestrel Subdermal Implant
Vargas-Arellano A, Barrios-Yáñez F, Pérez-Flores LM, Díaz-Herrera GA
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 233-238
PDF size: 187.91 Kb.
Objective: To identify the main reasons
for early withdrawal of subdermal implant
with etonogestrel after less than
three years of use.
Methods: Analytical
cross-sectional study from January to
December 2021, by stratified random
sampling of 153 subdermal implant
users of the Family Medicine Unit No.
80 in Morelia, Michoacán. The χ
2 was
used for frequency comparison; associations
with sociodemographic data and
main reasons for early withdrawal were
reported, considering p‹0.05 statistically
Results: The prevalent
age group was 20-24 years with 75.8%
(n= 116), the main reasons for early
withdrawal of the subdermal implant
were side effects 35.9% (n= 55), desire
for pregnancy 19.6% (n= 30), medical
recommendation 15.6% (n= 24), other
reasons 15% (n= 23), performance of a
definitive method such as bilateral tubal
occlusion, and vasectomy by the partner
13.7% (n= 21). Subdermal implant
withdrawal due to side effects, duration
of use, marital status, and withdrawal
due to desire for pregnancy were variables
with statistically significant associations.
Conclusions: The impact of side effects
was the main reason for early withdrawal
of the subdermal implant with etonogestrel.
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