2024, Number 2
Experiences and sexual activity of primigent women from Mexico City and Conurbed Area
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 681-704
PDF size: 428.11 Kb.
The objective was to analyze the experiences and sexual activity of women during their first pregnancy. The research design was exploratory and retrospective, phenomenological in nature. Twelve women participated, from Mexico City and the surrounding area, who had produced one or more descendants. A qualitative instrument was applied to them that requested drawings and written stories about experiences and sexual activity during the first or only pregnancy. The stories were transcribed, and their content was coded. It was found that: mild pregnancy symptoms and a healthy state in the woman encouraged her sexual activity; some discomfort caused by more pronounced pregnancy symptoms contributed to the decrease in sexual desire and activity; and some morbid correlates, both pregnancy-related and otherwise, nullified his sexual activity. Likewise, it was obtained that: the women's emotional experiences of enjoyment were compatible with her constant and satisfactory sexual activity; their emotional discomfort and relationship and personal conflicts were related to a decrease in their sexual activity; and their most physically and socioemotionally torturous pregnancies were associated with their zero sexual activity. It was concluded that the findings obtained: make the achievement of an ideal first pregnancy imaginable and desirable, in favor of maternal-fetal and couple health and well-being; and show sexual activity in the first pregnancy as an important indicator of the physical and psychosocial well-being of the woman and her partner in this period.REFERENCES
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