2024, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2024; 27 (1)
Delay and social discounting in college professors
Vega VCZ, Escobar GG, Nava QC
Language: Spanish
References: 47
Page: 384-407
PDF size: 393.43 Kb.
Delay discounting model helps to explain how people
consider the immediate nature of receiving low-value
rewards, rather than delayed, higher-value rewards.
Social discounting explains how people consider the
rewards that they can share with others, rather than the
rewards they obtain individually. Most of the evidence
about the application of these choice models is with
college students, however, the research on decisionmaking
in professionals such as college professors is
limited. This study aimed to describe the choice
behavior of college professors using delay and social
discounting models. Twenty-four professors from a
public university were involved in this study. The data
shows that professors tended to choose large and
delayed rewards (more self-control), as well as altruistic
choices with people considered close to them. In
contrast, selfish choices were more reflected as social
distance increased. The hyperboloid model was the
best descriptor for the delay discounting data, but the
hyperbolic model showed the best fit in social
discounting. No statistically significant relationship was
found between the area under the curve for both tasks.
The possible implications of choices with greater selfcontrol
and altruism by professors in their teaching
practice are discussed. Findings that provide internal
and external validity to this study will be highlighted.
Finally, empirical evidence is provided with a sample
not considered before with delay and social discounting.
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