2024, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2024; 27 (1)
Reimagining old age in Mexico: approaches for a conceptual reviewing of old age in the 21st century
Gallardo EMÁ
Language: Spanish
References: 60
Page: 250-284
PDF size: 238.04 Kb.
The conceptualization of old age and aging has
undergone a significant evolution over time. Old age, in a
contemporary approach, is understood as a
multidimensional process that transcends mere
chronology, considering biological, psychological, and
social factors. This dynamic understanding challenges
traditional perceptions associated with the inevitable
decline of aging.
Initially, a reflective exposition in carried out regarding old
age, aging, and Psychology. Subsequently, a brief
historical reflection on the Psychology of Old Age and its
evolution in the Mexican context is presented. In a third
moment, a systematic literature review is conducted
using a search formula centered on variants of
“conceptualization of aging”, “critical gerontology” y
“psychology of aging”. This search was exclusively
conducted on the Google Scholar platform. The results
obtained through this search led to a unified conceptual
definition of old age, aging, and the category of older
adults. This process considered a limited time frame,
ranging from 2018 to 2023. The application of inclusion
and exclusion criteria resulted in the identification of 19
relevant documents that significantly contributed to the
conceptual analysis around old age and aging. As a
result, a conceptualization is constructed that can serve
as a guide for understanding old age, aging and older
adults in the first half of the 21st century. The psychology
of old age and critical social gerontology are strategically
intertwined to outline a vision of old age that goes beyond
conventional stereotypes, recognizing cultural diversity
and de active agency of older adults. This conceptual
proposal distances itself from simplistic perspectives,
highlighting the significance contribution of older adults to
society and positioning them as valuable agents whose
identity transcends limitations imposed by preconceived
models rooted in conventional tradition.
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