2024, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2024; 27 (1)
Digital support networks on facebook: between friends and strangers
Gonzalez CFL
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 204-231
PDF size: 198.27 Kb.
Facebook, as the social network with the largest number of users
worldwide, is utilized in diverse ways to address the demands of
daily life participation for its users. Therefore, it is necessary to
continue analyzing these practices to understand the ways in
which we connect digital and face-to-face contexts daily and the
benefits that can come with it. The aim of this research was to
analyze how college students build support networks on
Facebook to meet the demands of their daily lives. Ten
psychology seniors participated in the study, employing
qualitative methodology, specifically
online and
observations to identify and describe various practices, and indepth
interviews to delve into the meanings constructed in and
through them. Through an inductive qualitative analysis, three
forms of Facebook-mediated participation for the construction of
support networks are presented: a) to support romantic and
friendship relationships; b) to respond to academic demands; c)
for the construction of other elements related to their identities.
The study concludes by emphasizing the need to continue
exploring these processes from the perspectives of users to
understand the diverse transformations that are constantly
evolving, recognizing their relevance in people's daily lives, and
highlighting the potential uses of these digital platforms in the
field of psychology across various intervention contexts.
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