2024, Number 1
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2024; 27 (1)
Levenson self-reported psychopathy scale. Adaptation and validation in adults from San Luis, Argentina
Peiró CAM, Garcia SHD
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 131-151
PDF size: 287.45 Kb.
The study of psychopathy represents a key challenge,
particularly in the field of clinical and forensic psychology. It is
understood as a complex set of personality traits related to lack
of empathy, interpersonal manipulation, and impulsive behavior.
The Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale (EAPL)
(Levenson, et al., 1995) has been one of the most widely used
measures to assess it; however, its psychometric properties
have not been studied in the population of San Luis, Argentina.
In order to investigate its reliability and validity, a two-stage
descriptive-instrumental study was implemented, with samples
of 279 and 261 participants, respectively. The first study
showed that some items presented difficulties in exhaustively
measuring the construct. Eliminated these, it was decided to
evaluate a version of 20 components (EAPL-20). Exploratory
factor analysis identified three factors, which explained more
than 52% of the variance. The factor loadings clearly
discriminated the corresponding factor and acceptable internal
consistency indices were obtained, coinciding with previous
studies carried out in various countries. In the second study, the
confirmatory factorial analysis corroborated the agreement
between the theoretical substrate in which the instrument is
anchored and the proposed factorial structure, presenting itself
as a valid alternative for use in our context.
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