2024, Number 2
Effects of sequence and timing of description on performance in matching-to-sample tasks
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 557-577
PDF size: 529.67 Kb.
Based on the possibility that the functional value of a description is affected by the type of descriptions previously made, two variables were manipulated: the sequence of the type of description and the moment in which they are made. Two sequences were compared when describing matching-to-sample tasks. The first involved the prior preparation of descriptions (open format), followed by the choice, among several options, of the relevant description (closed format). The second sequence was reverse. Regarding the second variable, the effects of requesting the prior description of solving each trial in the task were compared against doing it afterwards. 32 psychology students participated, assigned to four groups according to the sequence and moment of description: Previous Description open to closed format, Previous Description closed to open format, Subsequent Description open to closed format and, Post Description closed to open format. After an initial evaluation without descriptions, training was carried out that consisted of developing or selecting the corresponding description according to each group. A final test similar to the initial evaluation was carried out. The results show statistically significant differences that, although slight, are shown to be favorable for the sequence from closed to open format and for the subsequent description.REFERENCES
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