2024, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2024; 27 (2)
Student plagiarism: a case at the National Autonomous University of Mexico
Camacho I, Guzmán BE, González VNF, Palacios GI
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 485-504
PDF size: 454.97 Kb.
This paper shows the results of introducing an anti-plagarism contingency in school homework delivery at a college level in the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. The paper begins with a discussion of a media cover case, of the different institutional strategies and of the literature which only seem to operate in a reactive and individualistic fashion of such events without a functional vision of plagiarism as a part of a system of cultural practices. From a behavioral perspective of organizational culture, a new school contingency was designed to change the academic cultural practice of two university students enrolled in Psychology in the Faculty of Higher Studies Iztacala. The methodology used in the implementation of that contingency was an interrupted time series a procedure. Results showed a considerable reduction of the frequency of plagiarism acts in homework delivery after the new contingency was implemented. The conclusions include some suggestions from rule governed behavior area to enhance the results, as well as some ideas about a view of plagiarism and other ethical problems as modifiable circumstances from the culture-behavioral perspective.
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