2022, Number 2
Characterization of the notifications of suspected adverse reactions at Urbano Noris municipality from Holguín
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 26
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Introduction: Adverse drug reactions are a frequent cause of illness, disability or death. The quality of the reports is decisive for the effectiveness of pharmacovigilance.Objective: To characterize the reports of suspected adverse drug reactions at Urbano Noris municipality.
Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out. The notifications were characterized taking into account the quality of the data, according to the Cuban pharmacovigilance system, sex, age, notifiers, level of care, pharmacological groups and the most reported reactions. In addition, the quality of the assessment of causality, severity and frequency of occurrence was analyzed. According to the criteria of the investigators, when notifications were correctly evaluated in accordance with the last three variables, they were classified as grade three.
Results: The notifications of grade two represented 79.6%, according to the quality of the data. Female patients with adverse drug reactions were 52.6% and adults were 48.4%. Pharmacists and doctors respectively made 60% and 26.53% of the reports. Diarrhea (10.4%), skin rashes (10%), nausea (7.6%) and hypotension (5.1%) as well as antimicrobials were the most reported. Out of the notifications, 71.6% were evaluated correctly, according to causality, severity and frequency of appearance.
Conclusions: Grade two notifications predominated, according to data quality, as well as adult patients and the female sex. Pharmacists and doctors made most of the notifications. Diarrhea, skin rashes and antimicrobials were the most reported. Grade three notifications prevailed, according to the quality of the evaluation.
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