2022, Number 2
Conception of the formation of the professional life project in medical students
Language: Spanish
References: 21
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Introduction: Medical students need to have professional life project in favor of the acquisition of skills, knowledge and professional competence.Objective: To develop a conception for the shaping of the professional life project in medical students.
Methods: A developmental research was conducted at "Mariana Grajales Coello" Medical School in Holguín, from January 2020 to March 2021. The study was carried out with a sample of ninety-six professors in the initial diagnosis and twenty-one in the focus group. Theoretical methods were used during the research: analysis-synthesis and induction-deduction in the construction of the theoretical framework, in the characterization of initial training and in the conclusions; systemic structural-functional and modeling in the elaboration of the conception of the initial training and in the conclusions; systemic structural-functional and modeling in the elaboration of the concept. Empirical methods were used such as the revision of documents, the survey and the observation, to determine the insufficiencies that exist with respect to this topic and the characteristics of the initial formation of medical students. The focus group and the quantitative-qualitative approach were used to analyze the results.
Results: Inadequacies were identified in the medical career in relation to the formation of the professional life project, so a concept was developed that establishes its characteristics linked to the professional model and the historical-social context. The focus group expressed positive opinions about the scientific results.
Conclusions: The elaborated conception is feasible for the formation of the professional life project.
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