2024, Number 2
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2024; 14 (2)
Influence of perceived stress on binge-eating episodes in an argentine sample
Schiojetman N, Serafini M, Pedrón VT
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 178-187
PDF size: 228.25 Kb.
Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is characterized by exacerbated intake of large amounts of food in a
short period of time and a sense of loss of control. The literature shows that stressful events could be
involved in the etiology and maintenance of the disorder. However, studies with Argentine population
are scarce. The objective was to explore the relationship between perceived stress and BED. The study
included 180 women and 76 men of Argentinean nationality with a mean age of 29.11 years (SD = 8.75).
A positive association was found between perceived stress, Body Mass Index (BMI) and binge eating
behavior in subjects who reported binge eating, as well as between the total scores of the Binge Eating
Scale (BES) and the subscales of the Eating Disorders Inventory (EDI-3). Finally, the study revealed
that the perceived stress variable predicts 23% of binge eating behaviors. The results suggest the importance
of working on the reduction of perceived stress as well as on the early detection of BED, in
order to address this public health issue.
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