2024, Number 09
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2024; 92 (09)
Secular changes in onset of menarche among Mexican women
Robellada ZCM, Zapata CCA, Morales HFV, Flores RCM, Roque SAM, Kably AA
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 359-363
PDF size: 342.73 Kb.
Objective: To determine whether the age at menarche in Mexican women has decreased
over the decades.
Materials and Methods: Observational, retrospective, multicenter study conducted
on patients seen between 1977-2021 at the Instituto Nacional de Perinatología
Isidro Espinosa de los Reyes and 2022-2023 at the Centro Especializado para la Atención
de la Mujer. For the purposes of the study, the participants were divided into five groups
according to the decade of their birth (A: 1920-1969, B: 1970-1979, C: 1980-1989,
D: 1990-1999, E: 2000-2009). A simple linear regression analysis using ANOVA was
performed to evaluate differences in the trend of age at menarche. A value of p ‹ 0.05
was considered significant.
Results: A total of 20,715 patients were included in the final analysis. The overall mean
age at onset of menarche was 12.0 years (± 1.62). There was a statistically significant
difference in mean age at menarche between the decade groups (p = 0.0001). In linear
regression, a statistically significant trend of decreasing age at onset of menarche was
observed with increasing decade.
Conclusions: We found a significant decrease in age at menarche over the decades
of 1.35 months for each decade elapsed. This change may have several implications for
public health and gynecological care. The results highlight the need for future studies
to investigate the specific causes of this trend and its possible long-term consequences.
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