2024, Number 3
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Rev Mex Urol 2024; 84 (3)
Correlation of the severity of lower urinary tract symptoms with diabetes mellitus in the male population
Hernández-Vera BB, Morales-Pineda GX, Calderón-Lucas JF, Gómez-Franco TL, García-Martínez AF
Language: Spanish
References: 41
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 396.19 Kb.
Objective: Determine the correlation of the severity of LUTS with diabetes
mellitus in the male population.
Material and methods: Cross-sectional and analytical study in a family medicine
unit in Mexico City during the year 2022, in 275 subjects; The severity of the
LUTS was evaluated using the Gea
® Visual Analogue Scale, the measurement
of Diabetes
Mellitus (DM) was by its duration of evolution, in addition, the
consumption of diuretics, coffee, beer and tobacco was studied. The analysis
was by descriptive and inferential statistics using Spearman’s correlation coefficient
Results: A significant correlation was only found in nocturia with DM (Rho
0.202) and average correlations with some of the LUTS in age, diuretics and
smoking; 78.9 % reported a good quality of life.
Limitations of the study: Studying the phenomenon in a cross-sectional
design as in previous research, and not in a longitudinal one.
Originality: measuring the amount of DM exposure and other covariates,
allowing correlations to be made with the degrees of severity of LUTS, favoring
the causality analysis of the dose-response gradient.
Conclusions: The correlations between diabetes and lower urinary tract
symptoms were weak and medium, mostly non-significant, although there is
literature mentioning this association, it is not enough to deduce that diabetes
corresponds to a determining factor in the severity of LUTS.
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