2024, Number 26
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CuidArte 2024; 13 (26)
The methodological structure of bachelor’s degree theses in nursing at two different educational institutions
Arvizu-Vieyras NM, Trujillo JA, Alonso-Ricardez A
Language: Spanish
References: 36
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Introduction. The Methodological Structure (MS) of theses developed with a quantitative approach is defined as
the coherent integration of the research design, type and number of variables, measurements, sample size, applied
sampling technique and statistical analysis plan, with the purpose of answering a research question that allows the
acceptance or rejection of a logically stated hypothesis.
Objective. To compare the MS applied in nursing theses
with a quantitative approach, carried out at FESI and ENEO, UNAM, during the period 2017 to 2019.
A descriptive, cross-sectional and comparative bibliometric study was conducted. The random variable was
designated as MS, while the fixed variable was designated as Educational Institution (FESI and ENEO). Population.
The study population comprised students enrolled in the nursing program at FESI and ENEO who had completed
their theses. Unit of analysis. The theses were stored in digital format and accessible via the TESIUNAM platform,
from which 52 were extracted for reading and analysis.
Results. In general, the MS of the theses can be similar in
both institutions. Nevertheless, the ENEO cohort displays greater diversity, as well as theses of a more intricate
Conclusion. The methodological structures of the theses at FESI are frequently found to be rudimentary.
On the other hand, a tendency towards the development of theses from complex to very complex methodological
structures may be observed in ENEO, essentially due to the utilization of quasi-experimental and experimental
designs, multivariate analysis, probabilistic sampling, large sample sizes and coherent statistical plans.
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