2022, Number 2
The training of the operator in surveillance and vector control. Matanzas, 2019
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 307-317
PDF size: 1036.05 Kb.
Introduction: there is an enabling course designed for the training of comprehensive operators in surveillance and vector control. The teacher staff of Matanzas province has found some difficulties in the acquisition of knowledge by students.Objective: to characterize the surveillance and anti-vector labor force of the province of Matanzas, in order to design a set of indications that complement the contents of the course of enabling operators, so that students feel motivated and better understand the contents already included.
Materials and methods: a descriptive, retrospective and longitudinal investigation was carried out from January to December 2019.
Results: the group of operators is the most numerous. The educational level that prevailed was that of secondary school. In 2019, 17 training courses were conducted, in whose evaluations the teacher staff found difficulties in answering the questions of three of the course subjects, as well as in the use of the mother tongue.
Conclusions: it was proposed to introduce new contents in each topic of the training course, which will be taught according to the forms of teaching and learning already defined in the programme. The teacher responsible for the subject will teach it at the moment when the teaching situation requires it, in order for the future worker to achieve a better understanding of the contents.
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