2024, Number 4
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salud publica mex 2024; 66 (4)
Pediatric lead poisoning
Téllez-Rojo MM, Bautista-Arredondo LF, Cantoral-Preciado A, Peralta N, Figueroa JL, Trejo-Valdivia B
Language: Spanish
References: 56
Page: 469-478
PDF size: 300.36 Kb.
Objective. To document the state of lead poisoning in the
pediatric population in Mexico, to identify populations at
greater risk, and present public policy recommendations to
address the problem.
Materials and methods. Integrated
analysis of 1 747 children aged 1-4 years from the
Nacional de Salud y Nutrición Continua 2022-2023. Lead concentrations
were measured in capillary blood by anodic stripping
voltammetry. The prevalence of lead poisoning (PbS›5μg/dL)
adjusted for different sociodemographic and social vulnerability
level was estimated. Populations with a higher risk of lead
poisoning were identified.
Results. The national prevalence
of poisoning was 17.2%, reaching 29% in the indigenous population,
25% in those with chronic malnutrition, 25% with higher
levels of socioeconomic deprivation; 20% in rural and urban
areas, 12% in metropolitan areas. No differences were found
by sex. The highest risk of lead poisoning (52%) occurs in the
indigenous population, with chronic malnutrition, residing in
rural areas and using glazed clay; a risk 15 times greater than
the lowest vulnerability profile (3.5%).
Conclusions. Lead
poisoning is an environmental justice issue. It is necessary to
implement a national strategy to remove the main source
of exposure; an epidemiological surveillance system for the
identification and care of cases and population biomonitoring
in the pediatric population and pregnant women; Monitoring
of current regulations is imperative.
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