2022, Number 2
Notes for a theoretical perspective from an organizational approach to the management of scientific journals
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 937.61 Kb.
Introduction: The scientific literature highlights the need to manage the processes, results and subjects involved in one of the key activities that guarantees the persistence of scientific knowledge: scientific publication; particularly in scientific journals. However, the analysis of the references consulted showed the lack of a deep and sufficient study of the essentials of the management of scientific journals from the organizational point of view.Objective: To analyze from the organizational approach, the main references on the management of scientific journals, in order to help reveal the specificities that distinguish it, to reach higher levels of performance of its essence and its approach.
Method: A systematization of previous research experiences was carried out in the period between October 2020 to March 2021, at the Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, through the use of empirical methods (document review, analysis of social networks), theoretical (analysis and synthesis, historical-logical, induction-deduction, hermeneutic-dialectical, holistic-dialectical), and methodological procedures (content analysis).
Results: Those relevant aspects that, in the opinion of the authors, contribute to developing a theoretical perspective of the management of scientific journals were identified.
Conclusions: The management of scientific journals is assumed as a particular case of organizational management, whose purpose is to guarantee scientific publication, integrating processes of a different nature: management, editorial, evaluation and certification of the relevance and originality of the contributions, and evaluation and positioning of magazines; supported on Information and Communication Technologies, to increase their levels of efficiency and effectiveness.
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