2024, Number 4
Anemia in children and women of reproductive age
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 461-468
PDF size: 254.96 Kb.
Objective. To describe the prevalence of anemia in children and women aged 12 to 49 years from the Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición (Ensanut) Continuous 2022 and 2023 and provide recommendations for policymakers. Materials and methods. Venous blood samples were obtained to measure hemoglobin concentration in situ using the Hemocue 201+ in 619 children (1-4 years), 1 395 schoolchildren (5-11 years) and 2 170 non-pregnant women aged 12-49 years. Anemia was classified using World Health Organization criteria. Descriptive characteristics and bivariate analyses were performed in Stata v15 considering the complex design of the survey. Results. The prevalence of anemia was 9.4% in preschoolers, 3.2% in schoolchildren and 12.4% in women aged 12-49 y. A higher prevalence of anemia was observed in rural vs. urban areas, in older women, and with low education. Conclusions. In preschoolers and adult women, anemia is a mild public health problem that requires preventive and control actions. Continuous surveillance is key to guiding prevention and control programs and aligning public health policies with sustainable development goals.REFERENCES
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