2024, Number 4
Early childhood development.
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 340-348
PDF size: 323.06 Kb.
Objective. To analyze the health, nurturing care, and early childhood development (ECD) of children aged 0-59 months during 2021-2023. Materials and methods. We used data from the Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición Continua 2021-2023 (Ensanut Continua 2021-2023). We calculated the prevalence and 95% confidence intervals for all indicators, and disaggregation by sociodemographic characteristics; we calculated the probability of adequate ECD using a logistic regression model. Results. Access to prenatal and health services during early childhood is low. 39.0% of children do not have access to children’s books, and 50.4% are exposed to violent discipline practices. 95.2% are exposed to at least one risk factor, and the likelihood of adequate ECD decreases with each additional risk factor. Conclusion. There are early childhood related indicators to that need to be focused on so that children exposed to more risk factors achieve adequate ECD.REFERENCES
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