2022, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2022; 48 (2)
A socio-demographic look at the incidence of COVID-19 in Cuba
Benítez JI, Oliveros DER, Bourzac ML
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 565.75 Kb.
In Cuba, the behavior of the COVID-19 epidemic has been analyzed from the approach of several sciences, with the guidance of Epidemiology, to stop its spread. It is necessary to study its behavior according to the state of the population to identify their differentials, which can help in the adoption of measures to confront them.
Asses the incidence of COVID-19 in Cuba based on socio-demographic indicators.
Calculations of COVID-19 incidence, mortality and lethality rates by age groups and sex were used at the country and territory levels. These rates were compared with selected demographic indicators. The data provided by various official sites of the country in the period from March 11 to June 12, 2020 were used.
Age was the main differential in mortality rates and lethality due to COVID-19, with greater frequency in those over 60 years of age, mainly in men. There was no evidence of any proportional variation between these rates and the degree of urbanization, population density and degree of population ageing.
To reduce the impact of COVID-19 in Cuba, the measures adopted by the Government were decisive, mainly those that were based on the most vulnerable groups. The study of the differentials of COVID-19 from Demography constitutes a starting point for the search of different nature factors that influence its behavior.
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