2024, Number 07
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Med Int Mex 2024; 40 (07)
Glycemic control with basal insulins in hospitalized type 2 diabetics
Yamasaki RYH, Ramales MEM, Montaño EJÁ
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 401-406
PDF size: 206.62 Kb.
Objective: To compare glycemic control with insulin glargine vs NPH in hospitalized
type 2 diabetic patients.
Materials and Method: A quantitative, descriptive and observational, singlecenter
research was carried out comparing mean glucose levels with glargine vs NPH
in hospitalized patients.
Results: There were included 101 patients. Statistically significant differences
were found at a 95% confidence level in favor of the glargine group. The difference
in favor of glargine was -11.60 mg/dL of glucose reduction, providing greater
glycemic control.
Conclusions: The use of insulin glargine compared to NPH insulin presented better
glycemic control in patients, statistically significantly reducing the serum glucose value.
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