2023, Number 1
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TIP Rev Esp Cienc Quim Biol 2023; 26 (1)
Ethnobotanical study and antioxidant capacity evaluation of two species from the genus Clinopodium located in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico
García-Reyes EM, Rojas-Olivos A, Toral-Sánchez E, Cruz-García G
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 1-9
PDF size: 259.96 Kb.
Oaxaca presents a great diversity of cultures and plant species, allowing knowledge about the use of plants to become a useful
tool for conservation and sustainable use. The objective of this study was to document the traditional uses of
C. macrostemum and
C. mexicanum and to determine the antioxidant capacity (AC) of their extracts. Interviews were applied in the towns of Santiago
Apoala Nochixtlán and Tlaxiaco, a distribution map was prepared in ArCGis version 10.4.1. The collected plant material was
dehydrated to obtain hydrometanolic (CmxHMet, CmcHMet) and hydroethanolic (CmxHEt, CmcHEt) extracts at 80% (v/v), the
AC was determined by ABTS and FRAP techniques. As a result, medicinal use stands out. The highest yield was obtained from
the hydrometanolic extract of
C. macrostemum with 17.68%, however, it showed higher AC
C. mexicanum (Cmx-HMet) with an
IC50 of 0.7869 mg / mL for the ABTS test and for FRAP with a value of 1,687,066 ± 7,055 mM Fe
2+. It is concluded that despite
being two species that maintain a similarity in uses, Cmx-HMet has a higher AC, considering that it is a species with potential for application in pharmacology, biotechnology and green technologies.
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