2024, Number 07
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2024; 92 (07)
Factors associated with age at onset of menopause. An analysis of MHAS-2018
Cruz-Palomares JA, Ruiz-Rodríguez AK, Zacarías-Flores M, Mendoza-Núñez VM, Sánchez- Rodríguez MA
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 285-294
PDF size: 215.88 Kb.
Objective: To identify sociodemographic, pathological, psychosocial, and lifestyle
factors associated with age at menopause onset.
Materials and Methods: Secondary cross-sectional study of the 2018 round of
the National Study of Health and Aging in Mexico (ENASEM), with 17,114 records of
male and female subjects from all over Mexico. Inclusion criteria: women aged 40
years with information on the following variables: age at onset of menopause, place
of residence, marital status, education, weight, height, smoking, alcohol consumption,
sedentary lifestyle, depression, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, any type of cancer
and hysterectomy. A comparative analysis of age at menopause was made with each
of these factors and a multivariate analysis was performed to determine the associated
factors. Women with hysterectomy and a group of women ≤ 6 years postmenopausal
were analyzed separately.
Results: Of 9017 women enrolled (with age limits of 40 and 90 years), 7132 (81%)
retained uterus and ovaries. The mean age at menopause without adjustment was 47.8
± 4.5 years. Hysterectomy brought it forward by 2.3 years and education beyond high
school delayed it by 5 months. The adjusted age was 48.0 ± 4.3 years and in the recent
menopause group 50.0 ± 2.8 years.
Conclusion: Natural menopause occurs between 48 and 50 years of age, hysterectomy
brings it forward by up to two years, and secondary and higher education delays
it by 6 months for each additional year of schooling. Living in a rural or urban area
also influences the time of onset of natural menopause.
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