2024, Number 06
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2024; 92 (06)
Nonavalent vaccine against human papillomavirus: a strategy to prevent cervical cancer
Anaya RAF
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 267-273
PDF size: 208.61 Kb.
Background: Cervical cancer is a public health problem due to its high incidence.
Its main cause is the human papillomavirus transmitted by sexual contact. One prevention
tool is immunization. At present there are three vaccines, the nonavalent is
the most recent.
Objective: To investigate the recent literature and describe the findings with the application
of the nonavalent vaccine in patients with cervical cancer.
Methodology: Search of articles in the Pubmed database with the descriptor “nonavalent”
and the MeSH terms “recombinant nonavalent human papillomavirus vaccine”,
“human papillomavirus vaccines” and “cervical cancer”; the above with adverse
reactions, effectiveness and impact of the nonavalent vaccine against cervical cancer.
Results: We found 107 articles of which 80 were excluded due to duplicates, confusing
titles and incomplete abstracts, without providing data related to the study. In the
end, only 27 sources were analyzed.
Conclusions: The nonavalent vaccine has reach against five high-risk genotypes;
more than other vaccines. It is effective against diseases caused by human papillomavirus,
including cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical cancer. In addition, it
has a safety profile similar to that of its predecessor vaccines, although its effectiveness
is linked to other factors.
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