2024, Number 3
Emotional and behavioral problems of Mexican preschoolers before and during the pandemic of COVID-19
Language: English
References: 39
Page: 117-125
PDF size: 211.09 Kb.
Introduction. Identifying mental health problems in children is essential to preventing psychopathological problems in adolescence or adulthood and ensuring optimal development. It is important to take measures in this regard to support younger children, especially during the pandemic, which may result in emotional and behavioral problems. To this end, it is necessary to identify children’s current disorders. Objective. To identify and compare the emotional and behavioral profiles of Mexican preschoolers assessed in 2006 with those assessed in 2021 (during the pandemic), under the hypothesis that those evaluated in 2021 will present with greater depression, anxiety, sleep problems and inattention than those evaluated in 2006. Method. Total sample of 608 preschoolers, including the 2006 subsample consisting of 327 children and the 2021 subsample of 281. A descriptive cross-sectional design was used, together with The Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL 1.5-5; Achenbach & Rescorla, 2000). Results. Significant differences were found between the two groups. Preschoolers evaluated in 2021 (during the pandemic) showed an increase in sleep, attention, and anxiety problems. Moreover, significant changes were observed at the item level, in which the presence of certain indicators increased during the pandemic. These included: overeating, showing little interest in their surroundings, refusing to sleep alone, being nervous or tense, having nightmares, being anxious or scared, being afraid to try new things, problems speaking or pronouncing words, an inability to concentrate or pay attention for a long time, or sit still, and shifting quickly from one activity to another. Discussion and conclusion. Increases in sleep, attention, and anxiety problems were confirmed preschoolers assess in 2021 compare to 2006 group, a group that has barely been studied in terms of mental health effects during the pandemic. It is important to conduct epidemiological studies to evaluate the change in symptomatology in preschoolers and to measure the historical biases of an event such as COVID-19.REFERENCES
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