2024, Number 2
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Rev Mex Med Forense 2024; 9 (2)
Level of Knowledge about Cancer and Testicular Self-Examination in University Students Public of the Port of Veracruz
López OMÁ, Castellanos CE, Salazar MJ, Velázquez GEA, Castro JM, Méndez CE
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 31-47
PDF size: 328.95 Kb.
Introduction: At present, testicular cancer is one of the major affections worldwide in men,
which leads to a serious public health problem.
Objective: To determine the level of
knowledge about testicular cancer and testicular self-examination in students of a public
university in the Port of Veracruz.
Methods and materials: Non-experimental research
design, quantitative approach, descriptive and cross-sectional. Instrument "Selfadministered
questionnaire on knowledge, attitudes and practices in relation to testicular
cancer and testicular self-examination" with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.723. Results: It was
found that 74.5% of the sample studied had a high level of knowledge about testicular cancer
and testicular self-examination.
Discussion: The studies by Gonzales et al (2019), and
Ugwumba et al (2018), predominated high levels of knowledge as did the present
investigation, whereas, in the studies by Becerril et al (2021), and Dhakal et al (2021), low
levels of knowledge prevailed.
Conclusion: It is concluded that the study population has a
high level of knowledge about cancer and testicular self-examination, it is necessary to know
the level at which it is practiced.
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