2024, Number 51
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Inv Ed Med 2024; 13 (51)
Prevalence of perception of violent behavior during social service in physicians in Mexico
Robles-Rivera K, Limón-Rojas AE, Wakida-Kuzunoki GH, Morales-Carmona RO, Silva-López YP, Ramírez-Grycuk T
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 9-20
PDF size: 596.57 Kb.
Introduction: In Mexico, social service is essential for
higher education students to obtain legal authorization
to practice their profession. However, the social service
of medicine has been affected by the social conditions in
which it is developed, emphasizing the increased perception
of violence towards medical students during social
Objective: To estimate the prevalence of perception of
behavior by physicians during social service in a
public university in Mexico over five years.
Method: A self-administered questionnaire of 21 questions
with a Likert-type scale was applied to the perception
of violent behaviors in social service. Descriptive
statistics were performed to obtain the prevalence and
logistic regression models to explore associations.
Results: 4,349 graduated physicians responded to the
survey, and a prevalence of 58.8% of perception of at
least one of the 21 violent behaviors questioned was found.
The most frequent were persistent attempts to belittle and
undermine work, destructive and sarcastic insinuations,
and humiliation in front of colleagues. An association was
observed between the modalities of rural clinical camps
(OR 1.41, 95% CI 1.04-1.92) and Linkage (OR 1.40, 95%
CI 1.04-1.87) and a greater risk of perceiving at least one
of the violent behaviors questioned.
Conclusions: The results suggest an increase in the prevalence
of perceived violent behavior in social service
during the last five years in Mexico. Implementing strategies,
policies, and programs that address violence during
social service is urgently needed to create safe spaces
where physicians can perform their functions to benefit
the Mexican population.
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