2024, Number 2
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Rev Educ Bioquimica 2024; 43 (2)
Resistencia a radiación: aspectos básicos y aplicaciones
Alcántara DD, Serment GJ, Serment GS
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 96-107
PDF size: 737.45 Kb.
Text Extraction
Radio resistance is defined as the extreme tolerance to radiation developed
in some organisms naturally or artificially. The presence of this phenotype
in nature is difficult to explain since currently, environmental radiation
levels are not high enough to exert selective pressure that favors its
development. Currently, there are two alternative hypotheses to explain the
origin of this high radiation resistance: the Desiccation Adaptation
Hypothesis, which assumes that radio resistance is a collateral effect of the
adaptation of these organisms to extreme desiccation in their natural
habitat; and the Radiation Adaptation Hypothesis, which proposes that
radiation-resistant organisms were indeed exposed at some time in
geological history to high levels of natural radiation. Both hypotheses could
be applied to different radiation-resistant organisms. This phenotype has
also been developed artificially in the laboratory and in these populations,
it has been seen that, unlike natural radio resistance whose main
mechanism is through the protection of proteins against oxidative damage,
a key aspect of this process are the mechanisms of repair of DNA damage.
The SOS System (international distress signal: Save our Souls), present in
several microorganisms, is induced as a temporary response when DNA is
damaged; during this response, not only does the ability of the cells to
repair this molecule increase, but the induction of genetic mutations that
can lead to major resistance to radiation also increases. This system was
named this way because it was considered to be the last option of a cell to
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