2022, Number 2
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Rev Cuba Enf 2022; 38 (2)
Benefits of culturally congruent nursing cure as part of patient well-being and satisfaction
Agrazal GJ, McLaughlin AM, Gordón IL
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 560.51 Kb.
In the context of a global and diverse society, culturally congruent nursing care is an urgent need. Accelerated migration processes, changes in the global economy and universal recognition of human rights unequivocally evidence this need.
To identify evidence on the benefits of culturally congruent nursing care as part of patient well-being and satisfaction.
Integrative systematic review of original studies published from 2000 to 2019 in Spanish and English. Seven databases were used: SciELO, Lilacs, EBSCO Host, Dialnet, DOAJ, Redalyc and Pubmed. The following search strategy was designed: “cuidado cultural” AND “enfermería”, “cultural congruent care” AND “nursing” OR “cultural care” AND “nursing”, cuidado cultural [cultural care]. Fourteen articles were selected and processed through content analysis.
The selected articles permitted to identify the benefits of culturally congruent nursing care observed in different groups such as adults, aged adults and their caregivers, breastfeeding mothers, school children and adolescents. The benefits of cultural care were evidenced by addressing phenomenons such as family functionality, caregiver overload, promotion of breastfeeding, coping with stress, anxiety and depression, as well as quality of life in breast cancer survivors. Culturally congruent nursing care evidenced the development of a better nurse-patient relationship, as well as greater patient and family satisfaction.
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