2022, Number 1
Theoretical referents that support nursing performance in the care of cancer patients
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 1-20
PDF size: 545.52 Kb.
Introduction: Nursing performance and the development of nursing as a social practice are guided, in general, by the concepts proposed by the different theories and models of the profession and the scientific method that, through an adequate assessment of the affected, contributes to the physical and psychological well-being of the oncology patient.Objective: To identify the theoretical referents that support the performance of nursing professionals in the care of cancer patients.
Methods: A systematization was carried out with the scientific literature from repositories and electronic databases in national and international journals of the SciELO, Medline, Dialnet and Scopus databases, about the theoretical foundations that support the performance of nursing professionals in the care of people with a medical diagnosis of cancer.
Results: The review carried out allowed documenting the applicability of theories and models with respect to the care of the oncological patient: the unpleasant symptom theory, the health promotion model, the self-care deficit theory, and the transculturation theory, exposed in the dimensions of fatigue, physical activity, self-care, and cultural care.
Conclusions: The systematization carried out allowed the identification of some theoretical referents that support the performance of the nursing professional in the care of the patient with cancer. All this has been documented in such a way that it serves as a model to be followed in the assistance, by relating the different treatments and care provided with scientific support, which translates into quality care.
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