2024, Number 3
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Aten Fam 2024; 31 (3)
Prevalence of Neuropathy Associated with Frailty in Geriatric Patients
Morales-Servin AC, Alvarado-Gutiérrez T, Vega-Blancas JL
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 165-169
PDF size: 179.68 Kb.
Objective: To analyze the prevalence
of neuropathy associated with frailty in
geriatric patients attending the Family
Medicine Unit (UMF ) No. 31.
An analytical cross-sectional study, a
sample of 368 patients was obtained
using the finite population formula, then
non-probability sampling by quota was
performed. Patients over 65 years of age
at FMU No. 31 of the Mexican Institute
of Social Security were evaluated, and the
presence of neuropathic pain and frailty
syndrome were analyzed using the DN 4
and Fried questionnaires, respectively;
their association was evaluated using inferential
Results: Neuropathy
was identified in 69.56% of patients,
and frailty in 77.4%. There was a concurrence
of the two entities in 64.40%.
Conclusion: There is a high prevalence
of patients with frailty syndrome and
neuropathy. These findings suggest a significant
association between neuropathy
and frailty in this population, emphasizing
the importance of considering both
aspects in the care of this age group.
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