2024, Number 3
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Aten Fam 2024; 31 (3)
Effectiveness of a Cognitive Rehabilitation Program in Geriatric Patients
Lozano-Rodríguez IG, Taboada-Gallardo GE, Hernández-Valencia MC
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 160-164
PDF size: 151.81 Kb.
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of
a cognitive rehabilitation program in
geriatric patients using the Montreal
Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) test as a
measurement tool.
Methods: A quasiexperimental
study was conducted at the
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Unit of the Mexican Institute of Social
Security Siglo XXI, in Mexico City, from
January to May 2023. The sample size was
calculated, and the type of sampling was
probabilistic. Forty-seven participants of
both genders, over 60 years of age, with
no history of neurological pathology were
included, to whom the MoCA test was
applied, then six institutional cognitive
rehabilitation sessions of 40 minutes were
performed, and at the end of the sessions
the measurement instrument was applied
again. Interferential statistics were
performed using the Wilcoxon test, and
Student’s t-test, both with an estimate
of p‹ 0.05.
Results: The initial MoCA
score was 21.9±4.8 points, and the final
score was 26.3±1.9, which corresponds to
a normal score, with a difference of 4.4
points (p‹0.05). Most of the MoCA test
sections had p‹0.05, with the exception
of identification, sentence repetition and
orientation domains, the best results also
corresponded to the sections of visuoconstruction
(CLOCK), abstraction, and
Conclusión: the use of cognitive
rehabilitation programs, and strategies
applied to the geriatric population have
a significant impact on the improvement
of attention and memory.
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