2022, Number 1-2
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Rev Esp Cienc Salud 2022; 25 (1-2)
Connection with Nature and its relationship with drinking water
Valencia CGC, Bustos AJM
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 22-38
PDF size: 372.70 Kb.
The objective of the present investigation was to determine the relationship between variables considered necessary for the generation of behaviors in favor of the environment or pro-environmental behavior of use and care of drinking water, among which are skills, environmental emotions, the connection or inclusion with nature, the strategy was carried out in two phases. The participants were 248 students. The correlations were mostly moderate to high between the dimensions and each of the correlations. The time in which they use drinking water correlates positively with the liters of water required for each activity (r= .38). The estimation of the degree of connection with nature and the amount of drinking water used in activities and a negative relationship was identified between the variables, the slope β= -.32, t (45) = -2.28, p‹.028 with so the model explained 8% of the variance.
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