2022, Number 2
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Rev cubana med 2022; 61 (2)
Academic stress associated with C - reactive protein and metabolic syndrome in medical students
Castrillón E, Sarsosa-Prowesk K, Milena MS, Moreno F
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 1-14
PDF size: 335.33 Kb.
Academic stress results from the confrontation of an individual with the demands of the university environment, which can produce changes at the neuro-endocrine-immunological level and generate a state of chronic inflammation where the levels of C-reactive protein increase.
To determine the levels of academic stress and C-reactive protein in medical students and their possible association with metabolic syndrome.
A longitudinal descriptive observational study was conducted to determine academic stress in 68 medical students (41 women and 27 men). Sociodemographic and clinical information was obtained from each student. A questionnaire was applied to assess academic stress and two blood samples were obtained to perform two high-sensitivity C-reactive protein tests at two different times.
Although high levels of academic stress and C-reactive protein were observed, there was no direct association; however, significant relationships were found between C-reactive protein and clinical variables, in addition to a high risk of developing metabolic syndrome.
High levels of academic stress associated with the demands and requirements of a medicine program with high quality accreditation were observed. High levels of C-reactive protein were associated with high levels of abdominal obesity, which means that a significant number of students are at risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes mellitus, especially those in whom prehypertension was detected. No significant relationship was found between academic stress and C-reactive protein levels.
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