2022, Number 2
Applications of Chaos Theory in Medicine
Language: Spanish
References: 23
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Chaos Theory arose in connection with the natural sciences, but today its field of application is increasingly broad because complex thinking has offered solutions to numerous systems in nature, biology and other very diverse spheres of life, such as economics and linguistics, among others. This article aims to offer an overview of the main applications of chaos in medicine, given that many processes in medicine show apparent disorder, complexity and chaos. In particular, the existing opinions among researchers about the presence and meaning of chaos in metabolic processes, heart disease and brain activity will be analyzed, since these are the medical areas that express the most complex behaviors. The results of the application of the mathematics of chaos in epidemiology will also be presented. It is important to appropriate this new approach because understanding chaos gives man, in whatever field he works, a clearer vision of reality. The scientific approach applying chaos theory entails the creation of a multidisciplinary team that faces complexity from all possible angles and from which ideas can arise that go beyond the borders of the traditional scientific paradigm. According to experts on the subject, Chaos Theory will continue having an important space in the future. It is a challenge, a necessity and a duty for researchers from different branches and specialties to be prepared.REFERENCES
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