2024, Number 2
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Rev Biomed 2024; 35 (2)
Differences in the tension of kinesiology tapes due to size and color
Robles-Belmont J, Pérez-Rodríguez JC, Romero-Fernández H, Rodríguez-Martín JM
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 67-75
PDF size: 213.64 Kb.
Introduction. The tension generated by the Kinesiological Tape is important
in rehabilitation, although, currently, there is no tool that helps us determine
the amount of tension force applied in treatments. It is important to have a
more precise measure based on empirical evidence to optimize its use.
Objective. Determine and compare the tension produced by kinesiological
tapes of different sizes and colors.
Materials and methods. Beige, blue, pink, and black rolls of kinesiological
tapes were used to obtain five “Y” cuts of 15 cm, 20 cm, 25 cm, and 30 cm for
each roll. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to determine normality of
data; subsequently Kruskal-Wallis and Tukey to detect differences between
Results and conclusion. The tension produced, and the elastic constant of
the tapes are different depending on the size and color, so it must be taken
into consideration during the design and application of the treatments.
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