2023, Number 4
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Rev Med UAS 2023; 13 (4)
Alteration of cognitive status in older adults and its association with Diabetes Mellitus
Tercero Bocanegra-Hernández G, Cardona-Chavarría JM, Tello-Orduña ER
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 390-396
PDF size: 169.35 Kb.
Objetive: Identify alterations in cognitive status in older adults and their association with Diabetes Mellitus in population assigned to
UMF 79 of Piedras Negras Coahuila.
Material and Method: Observational, descriptive cross-sectional study, A sample of 378 patients
from a universe of 22,801 patients over 60 years of age was considered according to Murray and Larry's formula for sample calculation.
History was collected and the Folstein Mini-Mental Test was applied. With the results obtained, the Chi Square formula was applied
to demonstrate a significant association and finally the prevalence ratio was applied.
Results: Of the total number of patients identified
with altered cognitive status (63), 71% (45) have a history of being diabetic. A significant association was shown [X2(1, N=378) =7.85,
p‹.05]. The probability of cognitive alterations is double in older adults with Diabetes according to the prevalence ratio.
An association was found between the presence of Diabetes and alteration in cognitive status. The results coincide with those carried
out in other regions. The practice of performing the Mini-Mental test should be considered as part of the approach to diabetic patients.
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