2023, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2023; 26 (4)
Evaluation and detection of psychological consequences in the use and abuse of the internet and video games: towards a definition of behavioral addictions
Anguiano SSA, Olvera MJ, Mendoza EMA, Rosas JAJ, Oceguera ÁCT
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 1488-1506
PDF size: 275.97 Kb.
The aim of this work was to describe the psychological
consequences derived from the use and abuse of the Internet and
video games. A sample of 260 university students (146 Women and
114 Men) of different academic degrees (Baccalaureate 15%,
Bachelor's Degree 76.5%, Postgraduate 8.5%) with an average age
of 20 years (S.D. = 2.8) was evaluated, whose main activity is to
study (71.6%), through the instruments: 1) Depression, Anxiety and
Stress Scales- DAAS-21 (Lovibond and Lovibond, 1995, 2)
Problematic Internet Use Questionnaire-CUPI (Pulido-Rull, Escotode
la Rosa, Gutiérrez-Valdovinos, 2011), and 3) Video Game
Dependency Test (Choliz and Marco, 2011; Validation of Sánchez,
Telumbre, Castillo and Silveira, 2020). The results were collected
through the in-person application of these instruments, with prior
informed consent. Extremely high levels of anxiety and depression
and high levels of stress were found; These factors were related to
excessive use of the Internet; specifically in aspects such as loss of
control, recognition of the lack of control and evasion. In the sample
studied, no serious psychological consequences were found
regarding the use of video games.
The implications of these results are discussed, as well as their
limitations, and the importance of using appropriate intervention
strategies that help people use new technologies in a healthy way
to preserve their mental health.
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