2023, Number 4
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2023; 26 (4)
Biological knowledge of homosexuality and transsexuality in students of different pedagogies in Chile
Maureira CF, Flores FE, Villalobos LR
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 1471-1485
PDF size: 253.30 Kb.
Research on the biological basis of homosexuality and
transsexuality has revealed neuroanatomical differences and
perinatal causes as possible explanations for various sexual
orientations and gender identity. The objectives of the present
research were to describe the biological knowledge of
homosexuality and transsexuality in students of various pedagogies
in Chile, and to determine the incidence of a set of
sociodemographic variables on this knowledge. 384 students from
15 pedagogical careers at a university in Santiago de Chile were
surveyed. The results reveal low levels of knowledge about brain,
hormonal and genetic bases of homosexuality and transsexuality,
with an average of 6,8% of hits. When comparing by pedagogical
careers, Chemistry students get the highest scores, while
philosophy, music and biology get the least number of hits. None of
the sociodemographic variables studied affect knowledge on this
subject. Future research is recommended by expanding the number
of universities and evaluating future/teachers in various regions of
the country.
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