2023, Number 4
Affected narcissism, pain, suffering, and self-harm
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 1447-1470
PDF size: 359.69 Kb.
Our era is characterized by widespread states of depression. It is common to encounter pathological conditions in depressed individuals who are lonely, sad, with an affected narcissism, and experiencing pain and sufferings that show a conflicted relationship with others and themselves. Moreover, they often engage in self-inflicted physical and/or psychological harm. In our research, we listened to young people who had self-harmed due to their affected narcissism. We analyzed their language, transformed into discourse about the marks on their skin, in order to decipher what their subjectivity reveals about suffering as a manifestation of the reality that nestles within the soul amidst feelings of love and hate. We reflected on how a person acquires a body and the necessary journey through narcissism. When narcissism is affected in its structural dimension, it can lead to future conflicting and tragic conditions in one's relationships with others and oneself. We approached this topic from the theoretical framework of psychoanalysis, as it is the method that proposes understanding suffering through the talking cure. The spoken word, when put into action, makes it the possibility of finding a new dialogue with the body and with life.REFERENCES
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