2023, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2023; 26 (3)
Effects of anxiety in health´s dimensions related to the coronavirus
Cedillo IB, Meléndez VS
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 786-800
PDF size: 304.47 Kb.
In Mexico, the COVOD-19 pandemic greatly affected the population health`s aspects, presenting anxiety symptoms manifested by the negative perception of the contagion. In mexican university students , the confinement, the suspensión of face-to-face classes an the beggining of remote learning, affected their cognitive, emotional, physiological and emotional activities. The objective of the investigation was to evaluate the effects in anxiety derived from the Coronavirus in the cognitive, behavioral, and emotional dimensions around the frequency in the activities of psychology university students. The Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS) instrument was applied to 56 volunteer psychology students through an online session. The results showed low anxiety scores in the face of the coronavirus in more students over a 2 week period, having little effect in their activities, a matter that can relate with the process of the application of the instrumment and of the vaccines. Few university students manifested more anxiety, affecting their activities, attributed to suspensión of face-to-face lessons, remote learning and the rise on COVID contagions. It is concluded that low levels of anxiety versus Coronavirus in the great majority of university students influences less their cognitive, behavioral and emotional activities.
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