2023, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2023; 26 (3)
Adjectives to fathers and mothers and family communication
Garrido GA, Reyes LAG, Torres VLE, Ortega SP
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 732-744
PDF size: 294.36 Kb.
How easy or difficult it is to communicate with parents has to do with the way in which they are conceived, by it, we consider it relevant to know how determinant the adjectives proposed by the LISIS group are regarding the study of communication and how they influence it. Therefore, the objective of this study is to identify whether the adjectives proposed by the LISIS group in Spain in the questionnaire ‘Parent-Children Communication’ provide relevant information on the perception of parents and the types of communication. We worked with 1110 high school and university students, finding that family communication is related to attitudes and qualifying adjectives that children give to family members. Since communication is the main pillar for family relationships, we found that if it is open, then we tend to conceive the parents as affectionate, friendly, and on the contrary, if what we are having is avoidant or offensive communication, then they tend to be perceived as distrustful, bossy, even selfish.
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