2024, Number 50
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Inv Ed Med 2024; 13 (50)
Clinical simulation as educative strategy for clinical reasoning development of undergraduate physiotherapy students
Westermeier CG, Monrroy UM, Barría PM
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 122-130
PDF size: 538.52 Kb.
Clinical reasoning is described as a fundamental pillar
within the curriculum of different health careers and the
methodologies and didactics must tend towards significant
learning that promotes this competence.
During and after the COVID-19 pandemic, there were
restrictions on access to clinical settings, which forced the
design of teaching strategies that could partly make up for
this deficit. The objective of this article is to describe the
experience of implementing simulation strategies for the
development of clinical reasoning in the context of a pandemic
in physiotherapy students at a Chilean university
In two consecutive academic semesters, clinical telesimulation
was initially carried out for two courses (semester
1) and later, upon return to face-to-face, activities in a
simulated learning environment (semester 2). Three simulation
scenarios were developed in each semester. For the
preparation and content of the scenarios, the orientation
of a comprehensive approach was used as a basis, involving
the person in the center of the physiotherapy work,
and considering that this person interacts with a context.
The environments had a focus on function/health and
dysfunction/disease and the incorporation of the scenarios
during each semester was based on the execution
of the physiotherapy process. Low (role play) and high
fidelity (standardized patients) were used; 120 students,
four teacher facilitators, two actors and two assistants
participated. The clinical simulation allowed the achievement
of most of the learning outcomes raised in the subjects,
through the implementation of a clinical practice in a
safe environment with a training orientation. Even though
anxiety and unrest were evident in some cases, in general
the students valued this experience as an enriching
educational strategy.
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