2024, Number 50
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Inv Ed Med 2024; 13 (50)
High-fidelity clinical simulation with a gender focus for nutrition students
Trunce-Morales ST, San Martín SRP, García AKI, Vera RPA, Riquelme ILE
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 89-102
PDF size: 641.83 Kb.
Introduction: High-fidelity clinical simulation is characterized
by the use of standardized technology and/or
patients in a realistic scenario. Being incorporated into
the training of health students strengthens the confidence
and security to face their practices in the clinical area.
Incorporating gender issues is relevant in undergraduate
studies and patient care should be guided from this
Objective: To determine the quality and satisfaction of
the students of the nutrition and dietetics career by imple-
menting a scenario of high-fidelity clinical simulation with
a gender focus in the subject of adult diet therapy II.
Method: Mixed, exploratory, descriptive and cross-sectional
approach, intentional non-probability sampling. The
sample consisted of 36 students who agreed to participate
through informed consent.
Results: The survey of quality and satisfaction of clinical
simulation and self-evaluation, highlighted a high degree
of satisfaction reaching 93.54%. As for their own performance,
92.67% of students said they “agree” or “strongly
agree” with it. Regarding discourse analysis, learning
was related to the skills developed, confidence and safe
environment, associated with practical experience, favoring
effective communication. The gender approach
was related to the concepts of: positive experience, new
experience and space of closeness with the patient.
Conclusions: The clinical simulation contributed significantly
to the improvement of skills such as clinical reasoning
and essential competencies such as attention with a
gender focus and effective communication, strengthening
self-confidence in the abilities and performance of students.
It is suggested to deepen in future research the
incorporation of the gender approach in the training of
health professionals.
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