2024, Number 50
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Inv Ed Med 2024; 13 (50)
Exploration on the degree of compliance with the rights of medical residents in Mexico
Castro R, Sarmiento-Chavero M, Romay-Hidalgo F, Castañeda-Prado A
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 56-67
PDF size: 547.98 Kb.
Introduction: Despite legislation guaranteeing the rights
of resident doctors, there are practices that go against
these regulations. Mistreatment and violence suffered by
resident doctors have been documented, but there are
few studies from a legal perspective.
Objective: to determine the degree of compliance with
the rights of resident doctors according to current regulations
in Mexico.
Method: an online survey was applied to resident physicians
on different topics related to their academic and
work environment, experiences of violence and knowledge
and exercise of their rights such as knowledge of
their training program, medical assistance, support for
care and others. We constructed a rights compliance
index based on seven dimensions.
Results: 678 resident physicians answered the survey.
Deficiencies were observed in the fulfillment of the rights
of those in residency. Problems were identified in knowledge
of the program, medical assistance, support for
patient care, violence by peers or superiors, supervision,
and observance of basic rights. The rights compliance
index showed that 33.7% of residents had a rights compliance
index of .5 or lower.
Discussion: the results are consistent with what is reported
in various studies documenting different forms of
mistreatment and abuse experienced by residents.
Conclusions: measures are needed to combat violence
and ensure compliance with established rights. The main
limitation of this research is the non-random nature of the
sample. However, the results show the need for further
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