2024, Number 50
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Inv Ed Med 2024; 13 (50)
Executive functions and management of self-regulated learning in medical and health care students
Lepe-Martínez N, Pinochet-Quiroz P, Gálvez-Gamboa F, Moreno-Cerda M, Tapia-Castro Y, Durán-González E
Language: Spanish
References: 40
Page: 26-36
PDF size: 535.12 Kb.
Introduction: Executive functions (EF) are one of the
most relevant components for the academic success
of children and young people, as they enable effective
regulation of cognitive processes, social adjustment, and
academic performance. On the other hand, self-regulated
learning management (SRLM) allows students to consciously
seek strategies for learning, self-motivated, and
have confidence in their abilities as learners, facilitating
active problems solving, generating alternatives, and anticipating
Objective: The purpose of this research was to analyze
the relationship between executive functions, self-regulated
learning management, and academic performance in
first-year university in the health sciences and medicine
Method: A quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional
approach was used, based on a sample of 101 students
aged between 17 and 27 years (M=18.71, SD=1.18), where
64 were female (63.4%) and 37 were male (36.6%). Of
the total, 51 were medical students and 50 were chemistry
and pharmacy students. Academic performance was
used as the dependent variable and SF and GAAR as
independent variables, and the objective was analyzed
using Spearman correlations and the Kruskall-Wallis test.
Results: The results show a significant relationship between
EF and SRLM, as well as between monitoring,
cognitive flexibility, and planning EF with academic performance.
Conclusions: A good development of skills related to the
variables studied is demonstrated. In the case of SRLM
and academic performance, a significant relationship
was evidenced in the dimensions of self-management of
learning and perception of academic performance. It is
considered relevant to further investigate the relationship
between FE and SRLM, as well as these variables with
the AP, and to consider these results in the support plans
generated for first-year university students.
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