2024, Number 50
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Inv Ed Med 2024; 13 (50)
Mistreatment in medical residencies: a qualitative study into the shaping of professional identities
Reboiras FI, Mur JA, Deza R, Fernández CMI, Roni C
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 17-25
PDF size: 423.14 Kb.
Introduction: Medical residencies are in-service postgraduate
programs in which professional competencies
are acquired to practice a specialty, and a professional
identity is shaped. Medicine supports more demanding
criteria and responsibilities as it is considered a social
risk profession, and reports high levels of prevalence of
mistreatment during training. The introjection of violence
in the training experience generates, in several senses,
high costs to the health system and its members.
Objective: To recognize the implications of hostile learning
environments in the shaping of professional identities
in medical residency programs.
Method: A descriptive-interpretative qualitative design
was carried out with a sample of 307 residents from Argentina.
Data were analyzed based on coding and contextualizing
Results: Four different attitudes towards the presence
of mistreatment were identified: invisibilization, naturalization,
critical stance and transformation perspective.
These positionings reflect identity aspects of the medical
community that are reproduced and disputed in the
learning contexts.
Discussion: The shaping of identity is multifaceted, complex,
and is influenced by informal daily interactions during
the formative processes. The emergence of novel
subjective positions that enter into tension with the values
and practices that traditionally defined a “good doctor” is
observed. Abuses of power and mistreatment practices
are identified as traditional values that do not represent
the current aspirations and needs of the professional staff.
Conclusions: Tensions are identified in relation to the
validity, legitimacy and reproduction of traditional values
and practices in the field of medical education. A challenging
scenario is posed for the medical community and
the health system as a whole, reflected in the growing
demand for careful training and working conditions for
all people: patients and health professionals.
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