2024, Number 1
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Rev Mex Med Forense 2024; 9 (1)
Death certification or judicialization of death in Venezuela? Medical action in the event of death during the SARS-COVID-19 pandemic
Araujo CJC
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 86-108
PDF size: 361.33 Kb.
Purpose: to determine the importance of the statistical document such as the medical death
certificate EV-14 in Venezuela, since multiple studies have shown that almost half of them
are wrongly filled out by physicians in the basic cause of death during this SARS-COVID-19
pandemic. Approach: as part of the problem, it is highlighted, is that physicians receive little
training on how to determine the cause of death of a patient, a fact that was further
aggravated with this pandemic.
Description: This SARS-COVID-19 pandemic has left a
series of regrets across the globe. Death was present at any time and in any place, in less
than six months the world population experienced the onslaught of an invisible, uncertain,
unknown enemy, paralyzing and transgressing in all contexts of daily life of citizens. From
that moment on, social life was transformed, but also death.
Point of view: It is for all these
reasons that the certification of death is a medical act in which the medical professional must
put the same effort and dedication as in the rest of the reports elaborated in the patient's life.
As a medical-legal document, it is a medical act of great legal significance.
Conclusion: This is why it can be concluded that the main source of information is the
medical death certificate that allows distinguishing by place of occurrence and causes of
death in this global pandemic situation. It is not clear in Venezuela how and which have been
the sources of information used to know precisely the number and evolution of deaths due to
SARS-COVID-19, which is essential to assess the magnitude of the problem and its evolution.
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