2024, Number 1
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Odovtos-Int J Dent Sc 2024; 26 (1)
Whitening Toothpastes Effect on Enamel Surface Morphology, Chemical Profile and Color: An In Vitro Study
M Mohsen RO
Language: English
References: 38
Page: 86-99
PDF size: 1238.78 Kb.
To assess the effect of different whitening toothpastes on enamel surface morphology,
chemical profile and their whitening efficiency. Sixty teeth were divided into 5 groups (12 teeth/group); Gp
I: brushed with no toothpaste. Gp II: brushed with Pearl-based toothpaste. Gp III: brushed with Charcoalbased
toothpaste. Gp IV: brushed with Alumina-based toothpaste. Gp V: brushed with salt and lemonbased
toothpaste. Each tooth was brushed with a bean sized toothpaste wetted with distilled water twice
daily by using standard electronic toothbrush for four weeks. Enamel surface morphology, chemical
profile and color of each tooth were investigated. Chemical profile results and color measurements were
analyzed statistically. Gp I revealed normal enamel surface morphology and chemical profile. Gp II and
Gp III demonstrated surface morphology close to Gp I with insignificant reduction in mineral content.
Gp IV showed obvious shallowing of perikymata ridges, exposure of fish-scale appearance, with pits
and depressions, alongside to the significant reduction in mineral content. Gp V presented the most
enamel surface alteration with widening of prism sheath and depressions all over the surface, besides
the highest significant reduction in mineral content. Gp V, followed by Gp IV, demonstrated the highest
color and whiteness changes, followed by Gp III, then Gp II, while the lowest value was in Gp I. Salt &
lemon-based toothpaste, followed by Alumina-based, exerted the most considerable changes in the
morphology and chemical profile of the enamel surface, beside to the higher whitening effects on teeth
than the others.
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